Diskuv.OCaml 2.1.1

DkML, a Windows-friendly distribution of OCaml.

The DkML distribution is an open-source set of software that supports software development in pure OCaml. DkML's strengths are its: ✓ full compatibility with OCaml standards like Opam, Dune and ocamlfind ✓ laser focus on "native" development (desktop software, mobile apps and embedded software) through support for the standard native compilers like Visual Studio and Xcode ✓ ease-of-use through simplified installers and simple productivity commands; high school students should be able to use it ✓ security through reproducibility, versioning and from-source builds There are two categories of programs installed by this DkML package: 1. "Immediate" programs that manipulate OCaml bytecode or source code: * `utop`, `ocamlc`, `ocaml`, `ocamlrun`, `ocamlformat`, `ocamllsp`, `ocamllex`, `dkml` and `with-dkml` 2. "Shim" programs that manipulate OCaml native code: * `opam` The shim programs have prerequisites. You should install them before you run the shim programs, although if you forget the programs will tell you what you need to install. The prerequisites are: * Git. If you don't have this, install Git for Windows with: winget install Git.Git * Visual Studio Enterprise/Professional/Community/Build Tools 2019 in a directory without spaces or parentheses. For example, "C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualStudio" won't work. If you don't have Visual Studio, install it with: winget install Microsoft.VisualStudio.2019.BuildTools --override "--wait --passive --installPath C:\VS --addProductLang En-us --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.VCTools --includeRecommended" The DkML package will experience problems if you have a space in your username (ex. C:\Users\Jane Smith). These alternatives may be better depending on your use case: * Developing in a Javascript first environment? Have a look at Esy and Reason * Developing operating system kernels? Have a look at Mirage OS * Developing Linux server software like web servers? Plain old OCaml on Debian, etc. works well * Writing compilers or proofs? Plain old OCaml works really well Commercial tools and support are available from Diskuv for mixed OCaml/C/C++/Java/Swift development; this pure OCaml winget package only has support for mixed OCaml/C development. Contact support AT diskuv.com if you need OCaml/C/C++/Java/Swift development.

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